River Art?

River bridges are a popular canvas for graffiti in New Zealand. Is it art? We’ll let you decide.

A Good Boat – Fishing Down the Clutha

Boating, fishing and cooking with good friends are part and parcel of an annual pilgrimage to Central Otago, while marveling at the history in plain sight on the banks of the Clutha River.

Baked Trout with Herbed Tomatoes

A simple method best used when freshly picked summer tomatoes are available, otherwise pay a little extra for those vine-ripened tomatoes available most of the year.

Our Mighty (Blue) Duck

New Zealand’s Blue Duck or Whio, is an endangered treasure who relies on our rivers as its home.

Fishing for Trout – the Strike!

Good strike technique helps make the most of sometimes limited opportunities. We share a few top tips that work (most of the time) for us.

What makes a Riversmith?

“Smith” has always been synonymous with craft – from blacksmiths to goldsmiths. Our craft is to understand and enjoy New Zealand’s fresh water history and ecosystems, and become closer to something really special.